How Long are Cows Pregnant

How Long are Cows Pregnant

Cows are pregnant for 9 months. The last 2 months or thereabouts of their pregnancy you stop milking them and allow them to “go dry” and restore their bodies for another 10 months of giving milk after giving birth. Rinse and repeat — this cycle goes on until the cow loses its ability to produce enough milk or loses its ability to become pregnant in a timely fashion. If a cow doesn’t become pregnant on time it will have a longer “dry” period and will likely be sold to the butcher rather than bearing the extra expense of feeding it for 3 or 4 months of non-production vs. 2 months. Back in the pre-factory farm days a dairy cow might routinely live to be 10 plus years old. I recall some reaching high teens. Factory farms burn the cows out by the time they are 5 or so on average. Life on cement floors and massive amounts of drugs will do that to an animal, and its harder to get them bred on time when they are under the stress of being in a herd of 1000, or 2000+ than it was on a family farm with 100 or fewer cows.



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